Why "Sloth Bands?"

The Beginning

The need to create "Sloth Bands" began when I had a difficult time finding quality resistance bands. Being a personal trainer, I was always on the hunt for bands that didn't roll, snap, or have a weird latex scent. Personally, the rubber resistance bands were my absolute least favorite to use since they would pull out my leg hairs when they rolled...

I knew that I had to create something that I could use as well as a products my clients would love!

The Inspiration

I decided to have lunch with two of my friends/clients, Cina and Mika. I asked for their input on possible band ideas, and I originally wanted to release a Black Booty Band as my first band, but they told me it was a bad, boring idea to launch my brand. They encouraged me to think of a memorable, distinct color so people would be able to recognize my bands from any other resistance bands. So, I listened to them and chose to do our signature Cotton Candy Ombre!

CINA IN COTTON CANDY OMBRE BANDAs for the name, I was having a difficult time on figuring out the perfect brand name. My clients were my largest inspiration; I knew I wanted to come up with a name that embodied their love of not working out, drinking wine, and watching Netflix. I wanted the name to sort of be the antithesis of typical fitness brands, because realistically, the majority of my clients don't really like working out and prefer to move at a steady pace, but they LOVE their results.

After explaining all of this to Cina and Mika, and trying to figure out the perfect animal mascot, Mika and I said "Sloth" at the same time.

Sloths are energy-saving, steady-moving, and completely lovable, and that's how "Sloth Bands" came to be.

The Brand

I got my first order of resistance bands and leggings in early 2019. I shared them with my clients and got their feedback. In August 2019, I officially launched our online store and social media. From then until now, we have grown so much and I'm so grateful for all the support we have received. My goal is to create a brand that embraces women (and men) at any aspect in their fitness journey, and make using booty bands a fun experience!